Friday, July 11, 2008

We're Expanding Our Infrastructure

Well, who could have anticipated that shortly after releasing our Facebook app, the whole ballgame would change. Two steps forward, one step back! So, a little re-work and our new release of IdeaPipe, Facebook-style is complete. We still have our eyes on fullly-branded IdeaPipe Facebook applications for our paying customers, so stay tuned.

Also, in anticipation of handling alot more images associated with branded sites, we've completed work on a content delivery network. This should make page loads go alot quicker.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome To The Social Revolution; IdeaPipe Now Supports Facebook

IdeaPipe now supports Facebook! While we've yet to begin promoting it, we now have a full-featured IdeaPipe application running inside of Facebook . What that means is registered users of IdeaPipe can install the IdeaPipe application within their Facebook accounts and use it without ever leaving Facebook.

In addition, users can prominently display their ideas, comments and activities from IdeaPipe on their wall and in their news feed. In doing so, they can encourage other like-minded individuals to join and engage in the dialog with them.

While currently, only the original IdeaPipe application is available in Facebook, we will be working to incorporate a logo, messaging and site design for our branded customers. Check out the application at (login required).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Create Your Own "Branded" IdeaPipe

In our last release, we introduced the ability to create groups within IdeaPipe. As we eluded to in our last post, groups were really a means to a much greater end. With our most recent release, we now have the ability to offer organizations fully branded, powered-by sites. While there is still a bit of work to do, an example of a branded IdeaPipe site can now be found at

Something we failed to note in our last post however, was that groups have a variety of security settings associated with them. While it is not our intent to engage in a full discussion of either branding or security in this post, suffice it to say that group owners have the ability to control who joins their site, what actions are available to them and how or whether the group appears at

That's all for this update... next up, joining the social revolution.

Monday, April 28, 2008

IdeaPipe Now With Groups

Since the introduction of IdeaPipe just a few short weeks ago, we've been working hard on adding groups. As it turns out, all of that hard work has now paid off as later today we are performing our second release of IdeaPipe, including group functionality.

At a basic level, users can now define groups that are specific to their own interests. So rather than having to submit an idea into one of our standard, broad categories such as business, politics, etc., users can now establish their own. This will help quite a bit in terms of organization, but of course, we have much bigger plans. As you will see in our next release, groups are merely the first step in leveraging the IdeaPipe platform for much greater things! Platform did you say? Stay tuned!

Oh yeah, lest I forget... we are also eating our own dog food. Check out The Pipeline, our very own group where you can share your ideas on how we can improve IdeaPipe.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Welcome to IdeaPipe

We are proud to announce the first release of IdeaPipe. In this release we have provided the ability for users to add ideas in to the system that can be shared with their peers in order to gauge the their reactions.

For the next version we hope to offer the ability to create your own customized IdeaPipe, that can be used for your company, group, community, project, or whatever your heart desires.