Thursday, May 22, 2008

Create Your Own "Branded" IdeaPipe

In our last release, we introduced the ability to create groups within IdeaPipe. As we eluded to in our last post, groups were really a means to a much greater end. With our most recent release, we now have the ability to offer organizations fully branded, powered-by sites. While there is still a bit of work to do, an example of a branded IdeaPipe site can now be found at

Something we failed to note in our last post however, was that groups have a variety of security settings associated with them. While it is not our intent to engage in a full discussion of either branding or security in this post, suffice it to say that group owners have the ability to control who joins their site, what actions are available to them and how or whether the group appears at

That's all for this update... next up, joining the social revolution.